Thursday, May 5, 2011



This paper shows the progress of the students of  English 3 course,  using the topics seen in class: grammar rules, compositions and other components used in the dialogue. This dialogue is about technology in new cell phones, Smartphones. In this video students speak about a Smartphone and  its applications.


Three students are talking before an exam…

Santiago: hello friends, hey, Did you study for the exam?
John Jairo: No, I didn´t.
Santiago: and you, Yesid. Did you study for the exam?
Yesid: NO, I didn´t. I spent my time in other things.

Then a very good boy arrives, he looks very healthy and smiling.

Daniel: Hi guys, How are you?
John Jairo, Yesid, Santiago: what do you think? This is obviously very bad
John Jairo, Yesid, Santiago: Did you study for the exam?
Daniel: What! Is the exam today?
John Jairo, Yesid, Santiago: yes, the exam is about the whole  book, all the classes´ presentations, and other documents. This exam represents 95% of the subject.
Daniel: I don’t have a problem with this; I have the best tool for this case.
John Jairo, Yesid, Santiago: (smiling) do you think you can pass the exam with this stupid machine, you are crazy, o you think Stewart call?
John Jairo, Yesid, Santiago, Daniel: all people smiling at the same time.

Everybody comes in classroom and Daniel is calmer than the rest.

All students receive their exam. Nobody knows how to solve the exam, except Daniel. He begins to write the exam and he looks very confident.

Everybody looks the quiet Daniel, and they ask him.

John Jairo, Yesid, Santiago: If you didn't study, what are you writing?
Daniel: Studying!!! it's not necessary; it is for cavemen. With my SMARTPHONE I can do whatever I want. For example, I can use the Internet; I can consult the weather and find my location using a satellite or GPS.
Santiago: Can you open word, PDF, or other documents?
Daniel: Of course! In this moment, I have all documents open.
Santiago: Yesid look here, Daniel has all documents open.
Yesid: How? Daniel show us the answers!
John Jairo: Where is it? Where? Daniel tells me the answer to the second question.
Santiago: Oh no! I am dead. I forgot to bring my graphic calculator.
Daniel: Partner, take it easy. My little cell phone can plot too.

Daniel is the first in finishing the exam. His three friends see their exam while Daniel is playing. The teacher gives the order to hand in the exams but Daniel, John Jairo, Yesid and Santiago do not hand in their exams.

Yesid: Daniel, it is true that your SMARTPHONE can count your steps, measuring your heart rate or obtaining information related to first aid for any situation?
Daniel: Yes it’s true, look (he measures his pulse and the phone gives an advice on a diet)
Santiago: If I need to buy or to rent a house or an apartment, the smarthphone allows me to know all the information about the properties available around my place just by focusing my property  with the phone camera?
Daniel: That’s true too, but only if the property is attached to a GPS web and it also gives you the rental company in charge of the property and, of course, the cost.
John Jairo: On the other hand, I read on the internet that if a university have implemented the GPS technology, you can read on your phone information about the buildings or the teachers like their publications. I mean, it’s incredible you’ve got a lot of information about your surroundings just in this small device.
Daniel: Yes, and this devices works with  four cores processing units, which makes them fasters, allowing me to install software with big resolutions and in few time we can use design programs in our cellphones.
John Jairo, Daniel, Santiago: Sweet!
John Jairo, Yesid, Santiago: We’ve got to buy one of those Smartphones.

After a while the students go to the teacher’s desk:

John Jairo, Yesid, Santiago, Daniel: Teacher our tests.
Profesor: No way! it’s too late and I see you all talking during the test so you already know your grade.
John Jairo: Excuse me teacher, Do you have the minimum idea of who we are?
Profesor: Actually no, I don’t have a clue.

Santiago grab the four tests and put them in the middle of the others tests and they walk away happy.

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